Candles for Bette Midler No one ever said freelancing was easy but I'll be damned if it hasn't been entertaining and interesting. I'm kind of amazed at the projects I've found myself on and how they all came to be. When I follow the thread back it really all came from my little Bartering Artists group...which started because I needed a haircut. Thanks hair! Let's go back in time when I was contacted by the lovely Megan - a stranger to me at the time. Apparently she was in the group Bartering Artists I had started and she asked me if I needed some part time work on a temporary project. I surely did as I was totally, totally broke. Turns out the project was for none other than Bette Midler- a fundraising party that was held annually by her required some votive candles to be blinged up with sequins and glitter. It didn't pay much but I needed every cent. Sure I could do it-and I was in. Hot glue gun burns and cramped hands and glitter all over me every day...