(Hammering out all the things that haunt me) Up early having my morning brew and feeling pretty accomplished with this week so far. I managed the Herculean task of updating my WEBSITE...and I don't mean just refreshing some new photos...I mean a complete overhaul and rebranding. It was painful.... Theres a lot I had to cut to make my site CLEAN, CURRENT and easy to navigate. That means not having everything I've ever painted clogging up the galleries but a nice smattering of the most recent and my best (albeit older) works. Got everything linked in for anyone wanting to purchase art or prints and any of my art merch. Made an available art page with pricing (crucial) and had to read up on some DO'S and DON'TS for art websites. I think it's pretty clean and I love it A MILLION TIMES BETTER. You can peep it here and can even give me feedback ☺ MY NEW SHINY WEBSITE CLICK CLICK At some point Im doing a Wordpress site but for now Im happy with this. So wi...