Work in progress! I'm in the middle of a commission and it feels good to be painting again and to look around and see progress. I'm learning how to structure my time again and get my stamina back up. And it feels nice to see new projects waiting for completion when I look around. New small work awaits... Today it's back to the grindstone of part time work for the week. My heart is really in the garden right now though, if I must be honest. New babies are springing up... Like strawberries and baby tomatoes. Strawberry plant! Baby tomatoes! The herbs are slowly but surely coming in and the collards are fat and leafy already. I even saw the beginnings of my potato sprout happening yesterday and am excited to see if the grow bags work well for them. I've got garden fever! 🤣 It's my plan to spend as much time outside this season as possible! I have fallen off the social art map and media hustle and it is damn wonderful. Declining all things and just being. Working in t...