Ah Rockford files, a comfortable and silly way to unwind after work. Yes, I am completely aware that I've turned into my Dad and watching Dad shows totally cements that theory. I had to start looking at the handsome James Garner in a new light though...
He was a rich and famous star in his time and every evening spent curled up watching Rockford Files was an evening a painting wasn't getting worked on. No painting, no art show material. No painting, no galleries. No painting, no money. Would James Garner be watching TV every evening in a tired drowsy ball and not getting stuff done? Probably not.
So I pulled myself away from TV land in the evenings and devoted at least a little time in the mornings as well. Even if it's just ten minutes. Even if you are just filling in all the blacks, blues or whatever... It is progress. Something is better than nothing.
I'm proud to say this little habit tweak has totally kicked my butt into gear and I'm producing at a rate I've never produced at before. In one month I've done at least 15 pieces. 😳 This is crazy to me. Absolutely nuts.
And I'm not just flinging paint and cranking out some quick jazz... I'm actually painting at a more unique level than I've experienced in awhile. It is refreshing and fun for me again and my brain is actually tired after a painting because it was such a puzzle to figure out.
Always having the next canvas ready to go was crucial for me. I would even get background layers set up on a few canvases all at once so as soon as one was completed the next one was on the easel.
I painted so much my arm physically hurts. 😑
So today I wake up and it's early in the morning and all the work for the show is done. The last pieces get hung tonight after work and I'm taking a weird and rare break to let my arm recover. Recalibrate my brain for the next new pieces and take full advantage of the momentum I've gained.
Thursday will be friends and family and people actually getting to see the work in person finally. I have worked hard and I'm proud of myself. Thanks James Garner for the kick in the pants I sorely needed.
What's taking up your precious time and is it worth the sacrifice to your career, personal satisfaction or bank account? Maybe a little habit tweak is in order to make you feel more fulfilled. 😊
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