"The Path of Diligence"
Just a quickie blog before I dash off to the madness that is preparing for two back to back shows. I wanted to write a quick post about focus. I see a lot of scatter shot focus around me, I am guilty of this sometimes as well. It works against big goal setting and accomplishing important things in the big successful ways we hope. When you're busy trying to please a big group of different people you are spreading yourself in a multitude of directions. You end up wearing yourself out and throwing your creative focus in many different directions- yet not 100% in any direction, so in essence -it's wasted energy. You are more than likely neglecting people, yourself and projects that if you gave 100% to-could actually flourish into something magnificent and big. I had to shut down half my business while I prepare for my art shows. My singular focus is getting ready for these two art shows and having to wave my No No finger to any other commissions, projects, fun distractions in order to get to the finish line. When you spread yourself thin you never hit the finish line. You run diagonal, sideways and sometimes backwards. It's a treadmill going nowhere. Just as the cranes singular focus is hunting that fish and the bees singular focus is making the honey you must direct your energy accordingly.
So think about who you are trying to please exactly and why. Where should your focus be? Are you putting 100% into making that dream a reality in the most magnificent away? If you're feeling worn out, spread thin and a little resentful you said Yes to things you would rather not do-then your decision is lying right under your nose. Singular focus and get to the finish line!
Ok, now I'm off to hit canvases, every day until the BIG DAY! Have a great rest of the week!
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