My Dad
I was a lucky girl to have such a wonderful Dad who was always there when I needed him and always there when I thought I didn't. Truth of the matter is- you ALWAYS DO.
There aren't proper words to describe how awesome my Dad was. How he excelled at everything he did. How he could fix a car, fix a house, cook an amazing meal, serenade you with his guitar and even make you a macrame plant holder out of a plastic jump rope. Seriously- he was full of tricks and skills I had no idea about. He worked with his hands, loved with the whole of his heart, helped every way he could, laughed and lived fully and was himself to everyone 100% of the time. A real man. A real wonderful father.
"Disfruta la Vida" he wrote to me. "Enjoy the life".
Some people think when their fathers pass that they are gone....but that isn't true. They are always there because you always need them and they never go away.
Happy Fathers Day to my sweet Papi, Juan Antonio Rodriguez mi querido papi, nunca olvidare, hasta que estemos juntos otra vez. Te amo.
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