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Digital Vacation


Have you looked around and discovered you have filled your life with bad habits? If you said NO- good for you, you might not be human! 😁 
I was experiencing a major BLAH and it was all because of ME. What I spent time on, consumed, did and did not do. I also felt like the willpower I used to have in abundance was gone and I wondered if I would ever get it back. 
First and foremost I had to look at my main bad habits. What was the very first thing I did every day. EVERY DAY! I reached for my phone, I social media blitzed my brain over two long cups of coffee every morning. I made sure to look at my MEMORIES like it was my job every day. Ruminating on the past and seeing everyone's angry opinions and celebrity/political posts and regurgitated memes ad actually not a very optimistic and healthy way for me to cruise into the day. Not only is this not good for my spirit it wasted almost two hours of every morning. 💀 That's precious time! 
I'm weaning myself from my phone in general but I can replace social media scrolling with healthy recipe scrolling, garden blogs, fitness and informative reading. At least over coffee, for now until I don't feel the urge to reach for my phone in quiet moments. 
Oh horror of horrors... My other bad habit! I had gotten into a really bad rut right after work. I cooked dinner, ate it in front of the TV while watching real life murder shows like Dateline, southern fried murders, killer cruise ships, etc.... And I would be so drawn in to the show and so lethargic after eating that the rest of my evening was shot. I laid in a little ball watching the worst of humans do the worst of things. So if my two hours of social media to start the day wasn't uplifting enough there were dead humans to end my day. Shouldn't I be painting? Playing with cats? Doing some kind of workout or ANYTHING Else? 
This is not even my cat... it's a feral who likes to terrorize my garden and yes I feed him and his whole family so he's kinda mine but he owns himself. 
So habit reset time is underway and although all the experts say you shouldn't do ALL  THE THINGS all at once... I'm a take care of business kinda gal. I need serious self care and not chamomile and facials. I hung out in the garden and didn't check my phone 50 times as I sat in the sun. I fully enjoyed the breezes, the sights, the sounds, the cats destroying stuff. 

 I marched myself back into the gym and instead of murder after work I'll be murdering some calories. Health is top of my list of bad habit stuff I'm tackling. More vegetables, better choices and movement! I've already discovered that you have way more time in the day when you do the very important task of disconnecting your brain from screens and back into your body. 
I finished a painting! I got some video stuff edited and uploaded. I did laundry, food prep and a little cleaning with my newfound TIME. I'm totally in MINDFUL mode and it's grand. I'm just writing this blog to document what's going on but my pull to the phone is less and less every day. 
Better food choices!
I'm getting close to my solo show and have so much to do to get it together so having my brain, time and joy back was necessary.
Met Ron English and saw some art!

Met Bill Haveron and got to see his art in person finally!

Ron English and my friend Joel Woiten 

Two great local artists: Hatziel Flores and Jeremy Biggers

I even did something completely weird and went OUT and was SOCIAL 🤪🤣 What the hell?!
Hopefully if you are in the same rut of slothy, time wasting, doom scrolling hell... This is proof that there is life beyond the screen. And although I didn't make it too big a point in this blog MINDFULNESS has been everything in making this happen and enjoyable. Fully being in the moment, even the little day to day moments of washing dishes, eating, walking... So joyful. Breathing and being right here, right now and claiming back my precious time and spirit. 
I think I saved myself from terrible things... Like my life happening without me being present. 
Take care of yourselves- because you can ❤️


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