A shot of Eduardo Portillos work at Kirk Hopper Fine Arts Yesterday was nefarious art planning day, got down to the Kirk Hopper Fine Art gallery and got to see the new show that's up and took a look at the future while I was there. Taking a look at the future involved imagining my work on the walls, trying to measure out how many paintings I would need (that have yet to be created) and knocking some ideas around with my partner in crime, SONER. Details from some of SONERs pieces This show is the main thing on my radar and I've got 2 months to make it happen. I've made the mistake of amping up my calendar with lots of little shows and stressing because there's not enough time and I don't rush paintings and put sub par work out into the world. I just can't do it. So I've had to be picky and say NO to some things and this is that reason. As it is I'm racing the clock. This show is going to be amazing and SATURATED with our signature inten...