So in case you missed the newsflash... All this work I'm doing is for a show at the Kirk Hopper Fine Art gallery. When I told a friend of mine this he said "Movin' on up Weezy!" Which is hilarious but true. Moving on up indeed! This is a joint show with graffiti artist SONER, you may have caught his work at Dallas Contemporary last year or you may have caught it on the streets somewhere, even if you don't live in Dallas. Part of SONERs wall at Dallas Contemporary He uses wild bright colors and has a distinctive style in his field..... Kinda like...ME! Luckily I'm well versed in painting on top of spray paint because the collaboration pieces we're doing are quite an undertaking. This show is going to be a color blast to the senses, as soon as the press release goes out officially I'll tell you more about the show but for now it's enough to say prepare thyself! I'm working hard to produce at my next level and create enoug...