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We Must Sail

Self Portrait, split in half

Sometimes being an Artist feels a lot like what I imagine a sailor feels like when he has to go out to Sea for an extended period of time. You get taken away from "normal life" and endeavors and are at the sole mercy of the Sea... Or in this case, your Art. You just happen to love and live it so there are no regrets. You hope everyone understands your absence and will appreciate the discoveries you bring back with you from your trip.
This is where I'm at, floating out father away from shore and friends. About to tackle one of four big paintings for my main wall for the upcoming exhibition.
Back of my last finished painting, the sun streaming in created a great silhouette.

I've been looking at my canvas in different ways and really loved the effect of the silhouette as a whole construct. I'm planning on duplicating these forms and using them again.
My feature in Latino Leaders Magazine

Yesterday I opened the door and lying on my porch was the package of Latino Leaders Magazines I had been waiting for. I was surprised it was a 6 page spread all in color!
It was nice to get this and be reminded of all the hard work to get here and feel rewarded and noticed. I remember the early days of flipping through magazines and wondering how artists got noticed and longing to be active in art. Every chance I got, a few minutes on my lunch break at work, I was researching galleries, how to quit your job, how to social network, how to sell your work and  where. I'm still nowhere close to where I need to be but I know I'm on the road now.  You must be driven, undeterred, unafraid to shout your own name.
Being one of the smallest girls always, wherever I went... Being socially shy and having a low voice...I was always being talked over, underestimated and looked over. I let my work speak loudly for me, in big bold colors.
I'm letting myself enjoy the reward but also revving up for the challenge ahead. It's just getting started and there's so much work to do.
So, apologies if I miss social meetings and can't participate in things. I'm on a ship in a wild ocean, my eyes on the prize and I won't be knocked off course. I've fought too hard to get here.
You have to understand that artists are a weird, free spirited bunch.... They don't do well with leashes and rules. They can't be landlocked. We must sail.


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