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Birthday Gift


Just had a birthday and with that the gift of remembering AGE IS REAL 🤣 I laugh but it's not really funny. Or fun! But I'm a positive soul and can only stay on course. My recent "throwing out of the back" happened right before my birthday and had already brought me to the realization I needed to do something about my literal structure falling apart. 

I'm the homeowner of this body and haven't considered my body a very nice home so I wasn't treating it as such.

First things first - peace must be made with my enemy. My body has been my enemy for a long time. It betrayed me with this thing called endometriosis which stole my good years, my ability to work for years, created financial devastation and left me always with a million little broken things I needed to fix. Currently it's hormones, weight gain and high blood pressure. See what I mean? Some friend right?

I extended the olive branch first. Be my friend again please. I said this as I sat cross legged on the floor like a kid. Then I went into a whole gentle stretching routine where every part of my body was made to feel "something". Wake up legs and thank you for all you do. Wherever a little pain was living in my body- I carefully touched it and eased it out. Blood and oxygen were allowed to flow freely all around my body. I did this daily. Be my friend please.

Then one day my body started crying. A big long apologetic cry. It didn't cry tears. It cried blood. I was on continuous birth control and this shouldn't be happening but it did. It was a sign. My body wants to be friends now so I will let it cry and get it out and take care of my friend. 

(Don't read if you can't handle girl stuff)

Along with all the crying of blood came all the shedding of.... Whatever. And so much it sent me to Google to make sure some important organs didn't leave my body. Did I have babies in there I didn't know about? What the hell?! My body had been doing stuff in there without my knowledge, secret decluttering project and here it was! 😐 like a cat that brings you a dead mouse gift....gee, um..thanks? 

Since we were friends now I accepted the gifts and let them keep coming. I decided my body knew what it was doing and I made the hard decision to stop taking my birth control. My body had a lot of stuff to declutter and I didn't want to interrupt it. 

The next gift was migraines. They started at the back of my skull and pulsed on the side of my head and made life terrible. Nothing made them go away. I knew it was because my hormones were now out of whack. After a few days of it I decided to check in with my blood pressure which was "trending high" as the doctor say. It was high. Not deathly high but not where I wanted it. I started reading all the things. Which leads me to here.

I woke my body up and got it working again doing what's it's supposed to do naturally and now that we are friends I need to take care of her. That means more movement and exercise, better food choices, actually getting some sleep and less of my vices. I've dropped a few pounds in just a week and my face looks less puffy. Looks are not my goal though. My heart, my arteries, my blood pressure... That's what I see when I look in the mirror. 

I love all the yummy food and there will be treats someday when all is working again but right now- those things are not my friend. I finally made my body my friend again and I don't want to hurt her anymore. 

Take care of yourselves, be friends with your body. You only get one. 


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