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Top 10 Reasons

  Have you seen Labyrinth? The scene where she finally realizes she had the power all along and that actually Gareth did not ...that's powerful stuff. My favorite part....aside from every scene with David Bowie prancing about in too tight leggings. 😁 My digital vacation got interrupted yesterday. I've still been checking my messages in Messenger because HI IM AN ART BUSINESS AND THAT DONT STOP. I was alerted that the scammer had hit up a mutual friend and because I was trying to be Art Spiderman I went swinging back online to see what was going on. Unfortunately the scammer got someone and I had to make another PSA about it to help my peeps understand what was going on. Barring that though... it's up to YOU to be SMART PROACTIVE RESEARCHING humanoids. I can't save you.  Also my brief pop into fakebook gave me enough fodder to want to keep my vacation going. Here's what I was met with on messenger and on my page upon landing:  1. People pushing politics/celebrities
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Digital Vacation

  Have you looked around and discovered you have filled your life with bad habits? If you said NO- good for you, you might not be human! 😁  I was experiencing a major BLAH and it was all because of ME. What I spent time on, consumed, did and did not do. I also felt like the willpower I used to have in abundance was gone and I wondered if I would ever get it back.  First and foremost I had to look at my main bad habits. What was the very first thing I did every day. EVERY DAY! I reached for my phone, I social media blitzed my brain over two long cups of coffee every morning. I made sure to look at my MEMORIES like it was my job every day. Ruminating on the past and seeing everyone's angry opinions and celebrity/political posts and regurgitated memes ad actually not a very optimistic and healthy way for me to cruise into the day. Not only is this not good for my spirit it wasted almost two hours of every morning. 💀 That's precious time!  I'm weaning myself fro

Year of the Dragon

  First off, Happy New Year to my blog readers! Not sure if I actually have blog readers but if I do- I wish you well! We are coming up on the Chinese Lunar New Year and it's Year of the Dragon! I jumped into the year at a crazy pace and really need to pace myself for ALL THE THINGS I'm trying to accomplish. First off it was very important to me to launch a couple things and explore some other platforms. Those being: Tiktok, Patreon and YouTube I'll go on to say that I actually did not want to do any of these. I repeat DID NOT WANT TO DO THESE.  *Didn't think I was worthy for people to pay me on Patreon and also thought creating perks for people monthly was a lot of work. So far ...IT IS A LOT OF WORK....but I am new and growing from the ground up and that's how it is. Growing pains! I'm working to learn and streamline this so it goes hand in hand with... *YouTube channel! Who actually does not enjoy seeing my weird face and voice in a video? Hi. ME. I really di

How I had the best art year

  This was the year I got rejection letters from every open call I applied to. Granted, it wasn't very many I applied to because I am very picky about what I sign up for AND I am also very jaded about these things of late.  However, this was my best art year to date and I kinda love that it was all rejection notices this year and I STILL HAD THE BEST ART YEAR EVER. Takeaway: Today's open calls are very "agenda based" and the jurors they choose to judge have their agendas. Some want more millennials and younger artists and shun the older artists, some want you to tackle race, gender identity, politics, feminist, pro this or that.... And my art does not. I'm going to stick by  my "Nature is more important than most bullshit" stance till I die because the very atom of life and Nature is more important in my eyes than most of the stuff humans do to feel more important than another group.  But I digress! I did not get into the velvet rope clubs and it was gre

One thing leads to another

Sometimes it just takes one little action to get things rolling in the right direction. For me the action was ordering a giant roll of bubble wrap I didn't even have space for and when it arrived I had to figure out where it would live because my cats were already trying to hug it with their teeth and sharp little claws.  Also, why bubble wrap? What for?  I'm a big believer in taking some sort of action, big or small to make yourself move in a certain direction. I also believe in productive manifesting and the bubble wrap symbolized shipping. Shipping art out. Shipping lots of art out. Shipping out so much art I was justified in living with a big roll of bubble wrap for awhile!  So step one: order the bubble wrap and step two was the fun task of... Making a place for it to live. So manifesting was already happening and I decided I needed a designated area for shipping supplies and hell.. My printer needed a proper home too. I had a very messy shelf with an old printer on it tha

Birthday Gift

  Just had a birthday and with that the gift of remembering AGE IS REAL 🤣 I laugh but it's not really funny. Or fun! But I'm a positive soul and can only stay on course. My recent "throwing out of the back" happened right before my birthday and had already brought me to the realization I needed to do something about my literal structure falling apart.  I'm the homeowner of this body and haven't considered my body a very nice home so I wasn't treating it as such. First things first - peace must be made with my enemy. My body has been my enemy for a long time. It betrayed me with this thing called endometriosis which stole my good years, my ability to work for years, created financial devastation and left me always with a million little broken things I needed to fix. Currently it's hormones, weight gain and high blood pressure. See what I mean? Some friend right? I extended the olive branch first. Be my friend again please. I said this as I sat cross le

The Backstory- cliff notes edition

  Skip navigation  little backstory I was totally working for myself as an artist and you know what? It was HARD! Harder than hard and harder than any job ever. But it was the most rewarding experience and I learned so much about so many things and I want to share that knowledge with you guys... My VIP art club. I didn't get a fair shake from the very beginning of my art career. I suffered a back injury at my "muggle" job which required a lot of physical therapy to get over and which I will have with me forever now. It was actually the impetus for me to quit my job and start being an artist! So I turned my bad luck into fuel for my fire. I saved 5k (painstakingly while enduring all the BS at a terrible job) and then I made the leap. I was so excited and optimistic about working for myself! I had sold little pieces here and there and was sure it was only upwards from there. 2 weeks into my freedom- my Dad died unexpectedly. What came next was indescribable DEPRESSION and a