As someone who has perpetually had to MAKE DO her whole life- learning the art of abundance has been a necessary lesson. You are used to having nothing or not much. You don't feel like you even know what the word abundance means until...
Your health gets taken away. And that's all you suddenly want in the whole world. Or you suddenly can't walk anymore...and you realize just what an amazing gift being mobile really was. Or you lose someone so dear to you that your whole life will never,ever be the same. Then you realize just how abundant you really are. Sooo many things to take gratitude inventory over.
So all of these things have happened to me and may still happen again. I have paid close attention to the lesson: I Am Abundant
One thing that has taken me a long time to handle up on was MAKING TIME. When you don't feel like you have time for anything but work, the grind, the hustle and the hunt- you dont feel abundant. Time is your one real currency. Let me repeat this- its not is Time. You can't buy it in the store or win it. You have a FINITE amount and its your duty to invest it wisely.
I wasted too much of my time currency on stupid stuff-as have most people. Whether its playing on social media, getting drawn into others dramas or ones of my own creation...too much time has been wasted and will make you feel lacking in abundance. You have NO TIME. No time to give to anyone or anything.
I started thinking about how I could better use my time and actually it was other friends losses which helped me get back on track to what will hopefully be a happier road for me.
I painted some pet portraits for friends who had lost their animal family.
Your health gets taken away. And that's all you suddenly want in the whole world. Or you suddenly can't walk anymore...and you realize just what an amazing gift being mobile really was. Or you lose someone so dear to you that your whole life will never,ever be the same. Then you realize just how abundant you really are. Sooo many things to take gratitude inventory over.
So all of these things have happened to me and may still happen again. I have paid close attention to the lesson: I Am Abundant
One thing that has taken me a long time to handle up on was MAKING TIME. When you don't feel like you have time for anything but work, the grind, the hustle and the hunt- you dont feel abundant. Time is your one real currency. Let me repeat this- its not is Time. You can't buy it in the store or win it. You have a FINITE amount and its your duty to invest it wisely.
I wasted too much of my time currency on stupid stuff-as have most people. Whether its playing on social media, getting drawn into others dramas or ones of my own creation...too much time has been wasted and will make you feel lacking in abundance. You have NO TIME. No time to give to anyone or anything.
I started thinking about how I could better use my time and actually it was other friends losses which helped me get back on track to what will hopefully be a happier road for me.
I painted some pet portraits for friends who had lost their animal family.
As an artist whos every waking moment is geared toward GOTTA MAKE RENT AND BILLS...the idea of having time for "leisure painting" has been a foreign concept. But with the mindset that IM GOING TO MAKE TIME and give my gift of painting away- just because my friends are important to me and they are hurting and this might make them smile...isnt that a more beautiful purpose of art?
Yes rent makin will still be there but I can waste less time online and give more time in the studio for a better purpose. And now I truly feel abundant again. I MADE TIME for purposeful things. I made time for friends. So aside from my own quest to grab the gold ring and paint my personal works- I will try to remember to give away my gift where I can. It makes me feel abundant and like more than a dollar chaser. Life is so much more than chasing rent. Honor those little connections and give back where you can. That's the secret to abundance.
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