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Breaking Down the Budget

Do I make it look easy? Because it isn't. There is someone out there who wont believe youre doing it on your own...even when you are and have been for a few years now. Nothing irks me more than someone dismissing my extremely hard labor, constant financial stress and neverending climbing, sacrificing ...and choosing to believe Im actually getting "help" from some magical source.
Absofuckinlutely untrue.
I have a debt to a friend who has chosen to be anonymous but its not extravagant and I have about $200 to pay down on a credit card thats used for emergencies. No MAN is funding my life or contributing to it, no family members have left me any kind of inheritance ever, no grants of any sort are in my possession and Im on no government help at all.

Its all me every month. My work usually gets me just enough to squeeze rent and bills out...lucky if there's supply money or anything extra. And I decided to see just how expensive it is to be me on a monthly basis and wanted to share with you (and anyone else who wants to negate my hard work)- the actual budget of P. Rodz:

1000 RENT
130 Think Energy (electricity)
15 Molina (healthcare)
56 phone
43 website +shopify
15 Netflix
100 insulin
25 vet syringes
120 storage room
75 water
100 internet
70 gas
200 groceries/pet foods
60 auto gas
30 meds monthly
20 gym


Notice there is no auto insurance. Or my business supplies. Or things like "entertainment"...Netflix is about it. Gym is my healthcare basically and internet is my business necessity.
So lets round up- its over 2 grand to live without auto insurance. 
Sometimes theres projects pushed your way- and sometimes there isn't.
Sometimes people buy paintings- most times they do not. The gas and water are usually a month behind. Your prints are super affordable but no one is spending money this summer. You have medical debt you pay in tiny increments and sometimes family members worse off than you need assistance. And sometimes you throw money at peoples Gofundme's that you don't even have because you're way too human.
And you should be. Never lose that.
So while I celebrated 10 years of an injury that makes things harder daily I also wanted everyone to see the real schematics of freelancing. Its all an uncertainty every day. Somehow you just learn to accept that.
Any more made up stories about my magical enchanted life living off employed dudes?
Didn't think so.
My family knows this, the friend who loaned me money knows this and I know it. I dont have to prove my blood, sweat, tears and sacrifices to anyone-anymore. 


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