Munny...Work In Progress
The deadline is quick approaching on Show Me The Munny show and I will admit....I've become OBSESSED with getting this thing done by the 26th. So much so that when I woke up at 3am my brain started thinking about what all needed to be done and how I was going to paint his back, etc. I tried to go back to sleep but it wasn't happening. I should have been a farmer, asleep by 9pm and up at 3 or 4. BAH!
Painting on this thing was a lot easier yesterday. I realized I shouldn't have tried to paint him the same day I primered him. I know this too from working on vinyl records. The paint needs time to fully dry, cure and become it's new entity before you paint on it. Lesson learned. I worked for a long time doing the paint job you see here. I use a tiny 10/0 liner brush. Today I'll finish up his back and IF theres time...the special thing I wanted to add to him will be created. He's been a pain but I am starting to really be enamored with this little thing sticking his tongue at me. I posed him the way I want him to be displayed (top photo) and he looks pretty sassy. I think the pose really makes a difference in his vibe. He needs to be done soon though because I have work work to do and my time for fun and games is just about over.
It's Christmas Eve and there's talk of what other people call "bad weather". I think that's a stupid thing to say about snow or ice. What's bad about it? It's the natural weather system. Some demon didn't create it. Why is it "bad"? Plus I love when the city shuts down and shuts up. A peaceful quiet overtakes everything and all the roads are clear. People are inside staying warm or outside playing and being happy because of the snow. I hope! I hope we get a little at least!
Well Merry Christmas Eve! I'll be happily painting in my studio today and doing anything that needs to be done outside before the GOOD weather hits. I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday!
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