After about 2.5 months I finally returned to my part time job yesterday amidst my clapping co-workers. I've never had such a nice welcome back. I was feeling so grateful they held my job for me and WANTED me back. In freelance life you get a lot of feelings of expendability, like you're a dime a dozen. So this was new and odd and I loved it.
I do gilding (gold leafing) and decorative painting and restoration of broken lamps. It's a lamp shop and I'm fancying up shades and making broken things look beautiful again. It's strange to think that just over a month ago I was kicking Covid and recuperating-now I'm back to work.
I have a lot of ideas for art and I'd like to thank myself for kicking myself off Facebook in order to accomplish stuff again. My time has been freed up, it's not swirling around with horrible news, outrage, etc and I replaced Facebook with Plum Village which is a free app with guided meditations, reminders of mindfulness, etc. I do one or two a day depending on what I need. Game changer. It reminded me I need to take care of my body and I started my stretching sessions in the morning again. Now my body and back feel better too. I also put a fitness app on my phone that counts my steps and that helps me work on personal fitness goals and health. Mental health, physical health... rebooting everything.
My other old bad habit was coming home from work so tired that I would basically have an early dinner and veg out for hours watching horrible tv and falling sleep way too early. Yesterday I made a choice NO MORE ...I made dinner, finished up some payroll work (another side gig I have) hung out with my cats and took a nice jaunt down to the park to get a walk in and see the park from the flip side of the morning. Evening park was crowded and NO ONE was social distancing at all. It looked like kids were in some kinda sport's teams doing training and on top of each other. Did I miss the memo? Last I heard our Covid cases were spiking higher than ever. No one seems to care or believe in this virus, I just don't get it. So .. evening park was disappointing, cementing my idea that humans just do not get it. Don't think they ever will. And this why I turn to meditation.
Another day back at work, hope everyone is doing great. 🌞
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