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Peace by Peace

I haven't updated here since I had my last DJ gig months ago. Since then the world completely changed and turned into a burning pile of...yeah.
I don't need to update you because you've been in it with me- Covid19 hit and we all got locked into our homes, I lost my uncle to it and that's still a gaping hole in my heart, I fell down my stairs and am still nursing a torn knee and then somehow despite all precautions I caught Covid19 and the special brand of pneumonia that came with it and spent 6 days in the hospital on the trial drug Remdesivir fighting it all.
I am still standing.
 I've done just about no artwork for months because the world has literally scrambled my soul and brain.
The plates pictured above are part of a work project I just completed for a hotel. There are actually 18 plates but they all wouldn't fit in the photo.
I turned them in yesterday after carefully painting them with the thought THESE WILL PROBABLY BE SMASHED ANYWAY.
That brings us up to date with life-the world is burning everything down, violence and hate are taking over and communication has been rendered null. Everyone communicates in shady article sharing, photos with no context, hate, misinformation, bias, judgey judgement and so on and so forth. America 2020 but also looks like a global movement of devolvement. All the political bickering I abhored before is now all there is to wade through in the flood of burning poo we have created. I say WE have created because it was WE who built this system and allowed it to spiral downward into .....this. Low point in American history. There is an orange talking head to throw fire at but WE are our own enemies. We the people.
So I jumped off Facebook. Even my lovely friends I adore had foam at the mouth and hate in their hearts. Anger I can understand because I am also angry and nauseated. Literally was going to throw up seeing the footage of George Floyd bring killed before our very eyes. Yes I cry when even talking about it. These are our brothers and sisters. This is our family. Why, why is this happening? So much anger, sorrow and feeling wounded to my very core.
But allowing hate to live in your heart- no... That is not our purpose here. That doesn't transform our trampled garden. That doesn't bring anyone back ...and it spreads like contagion. Worse than any virus ever could. That will not bring about change. That will grow and your children will pick it up and they will make it grow and you will not have burned away the real problem but fed it and watered it.
I turn to meditation and cultivating inner peace. I will feed it and water it and it will grow and maybe it will grow in the middle of the burning poo but it will grow. And maybe one person who needed peace will see it growing and know that it is possible and they will plant their peace next to mine. And maybe we can rebuild this garden peace by peace and put out the fire.


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