Electric eels painting from a few years back has become new fresh Bucketfeet design in my Threadless shop!
Big thanks to fellow artista Cynthia Ann Miró McDaniel for being my first shoe customer! She's an artist,designer and arts educator and I think these are just perfect for my artsy peeps!
It is time for Spring cleaning- just wrapped up a big arduous project for a hotel and while Im still in the middle of another one (a million paper leaves!) I do have a little time to do an important task- update my sites!
For instance- this orange/green retro blog theme is SO OLD and not my current vibe. Time for an update. My website that I hate- don't get me started on the major undertaking that will be ...but I can at least update it for now. My Shopify and Threadless stuff isn't even on there. I need new business cards, a logo and to try to sync a lot of stuff up. I haven't been tagging my blog and that's not helping my Google ranking. There is SO MUCH TO DO as a self employed business owner with zero backing and funds...its too much...but chip away day by day. It's how it gets done in the end.
Also it's high time to get back to my painting. The biggest part of all this is CREATING. So hopefully the day is all mine to crank away on all these things.
So while I wish I had a website wizard to just do all this for hugs and art-the reality is its on me to get er done.
Enjoy the day friends!
Expect new blog look soon-woohoo!
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