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PROJECT: Get My Brothers Back

The finished collaborative piece I did with my brother Erik. It was commissioned by the Ochoa family and they are very pleased with the outcome of their new coyote name plate record.

I posted about this on Facebook last week in the chaos of me trying to make a totem and prep for Art Con I was also trying to put some momentum into my pet project...the project of getting my brothers back. Here's what I posted on Facebook:

Project Get My Brothers Back. I haven't told anyone this but i have been trying to break through to my two brothers who have some serious issues. Their life hasn't been easy and mental problems and hard living have driven a big wedge betwee
n us. I haven't felt like I had brothers and it is very sad. But my brothers are both super talented in their own rights and I have been trying to remind them of that. So FINALLY after so many tears and fights a little breakthrough. I got my brother to collaborate with me on this little project. He did the amazing fancy lettering on this record. I am hoping if anyone wants their Family Name emblazoned in cool letters I can help show him that he can earn a little scratch with his talents like me. I'm trying to get him away from gangs, the street and jail. Wish me luck! I'll be taking orders for various record styles and he can do your name in an array of lettering. : )

There was an outpouring of good luck to you's and people who could relate with having wayward family members and addicts in their life. I don't talk much about the problems of my brothers and when I do it's not to bring disgrace, it's to draw light onto the situation and see if anyone in a similar situation has had success and how?

 My brothers deal with schizophrenia, addiction, alcoholism and the pain and torment that goes along with that lifestyle. In the case of schizophrenia I am totally at a loss to make sense of how to help. Despite me reading about it I'm still at a loss on how to deal with my brother who has it. I can only visit so he knows I'm there for him and try to talk to him sensibly through his paranoia. In the case of my brother Erik who did the lettering, he has been in and out of the jail system since he was young. He fell in with gangs and all that goes along with that. I have seen him stabbed, incarcerated and in bad shape. I have taken him in and had to turn him away because I couldn't deal with what he had become and what he had become didn't want a sister- it wanted money for alcohol and drugs. So many years ago when my Dad showed up to my door begging and pleading for me to give Erik a home I had to do something I never had to do to my Dad before. I had to say no.

 My Dad understood and we made peace with the decision that until my brother wanted to change there would be nothing we could do except love him. We couldn't wreck our lives and be stolen from. But it haunts me that I had to turn my brother out and that I had to say no to my Dad. I know the one thing my Dad really wanted was for the family to be there for each other- no matter what. When my brother started to cry for help between bouts of drinking and I could see the pain all over his face- he didn't like the life he was living and wanted help- I put my hand out in the only way I could. No I was not going to give him fish, I was going to teach him how to fish. His talents- he already had....he just needed to KNOW that he had skills, that he could work and be a functioning member of society that is WANTED. His criminal record and not being able to get work only drives his depression and makes things worse. This is going to be a long process I know. I am prepared for it to blow up in my face but for now it is the little things that will keep me going on it and hopefully him as well. I have already seen him blush and smile when I told him he had an order and that people online really liked his work. A little boost of self esteem I plan to keep watering. I have told him that for every order he does he must give a certain amount to my Mom for groceries. My Mom often has to go to the local church for handouts. I help however I can but a starving artist doesn't make much. So in this way he can feel what it's like to earn the things you must have to live. He will learn you must WORK. I will instill in him that his money shouldn't go immediately to beer which deteriorates the body and mind and is the source right now of what ails him. In time he will have to buy his own supplies with that money, invest in himself as I have done. Right now he is at the bottom of the pit and I'm trying to get him to climb up with his own two hands and feet. No rope from big sister, just my love and urging and direction. I am hoping I can get him into AA and around people who can help.

In this way, through art...I hope my other brother Tony sees the power of change and the power of channeling your actions, skills and thoughts for a good purpose. He is disabled and gets a monthly pittance but lacks direction and things to fill his time with. I can't watch my poor Mom (who cares for them both) in this situation any longer without doing whatever I can to ease it. Its a definite step in the right direction that my brother cared enough to put his very best into his work on this piece....that he knew he was responsible for getting it done and delivered it to me (on foot) and asked what more he could do (willingness to achieve). I see the signs of a little sprout breaking through the dirt and I'm hoping it's going to be a fruitful little plant.

An example of Eriks lettering and drawing skills- A Get Well Card he sent me from jail many years ago when I first injured my back.
I stenciled the aztec jaguar and gave Erik the record so he could put our name on it, he is wonderful with lettering! This was our first experiment. We used a new gold "stone" paint that feels rough like stone to give this a primitive feel.  If anyone would like a simple name plate like this one we are taking orders at $25 right now. It is a low price to generate some business for Erik, keep him busy and working and contributing a little to the household.
I'm happy to say he has his own order and another order for a collaborative piece as of today.
: )
I'm starting to feel like I have a brother again.


  1. Its been painful, frustrating and a long unpaved road, I will do what I can to encourage too, they have to do the work to fix themselves, this kind of encouragement and outlet may be exactly what they need. I hope programs available see this and offer advise and assistance, this fills my heart with hope. YOU ARE AMAZING!

  2. You are amazing sis! :) I can only set a good example and keep on advising. <3

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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