Don't believe the hype!
This is a blog about the way things ARE and the way they should be
The way things are: An artist supplies work to a gallery. Let's break this down in real world artists supplies a sellable product to a gallery (retail environment). The client buys the product. There are 3 entities involved
- artist
- gallery
- client
The way things should be: Each entity should be considered equally important and no greater or lesser than the other. Artist promotes to their greatest extent. Gallery promotes to it's greatest extent and Client supports at their greatest extent= $$$. Sounds like a logical way of coexisting and making things run correctly however it isn't always the case if hardly ever. Usually someone does not pull their weight and the $$$ never happens at the end of it.
Sometimes the artist is treated like a lesser equation in the process. The gallery would be what without the artists work? A bunch of empty walls.
Sometimes it is the artist who acts like people magically have ESP and know they are showing at X Gallery without so much as an email, invite or lifting a finger to promote.
Ok, now that we have understood a very simple equation I now ask why artists who are treated as lessers in this equation continue to put up with it. If you're a slacker why aren't you doing the very last part of finishing your artwork- getting it to the masses? Why does the ball continually get dropped when we're all supposed to be professionals?
Things I ponder when I am supposedly doing business with professionals and not getting emails returned or phone calls answered and wondering if I were a client would the treatment be the same? Are my potential clients not getting their messages answered as well?
Things that make you go HMMM?
What is the bigger picture? Are you being taken care of and treated equally? Are you being supported as much as you are being a support? Don't live blindly, ask the important questions or hang your work in your kitchen.
if it will make you feel better this happens in my completely different business world also.Trying to get vendors to call you back email anything is a chore.AND i've recently experienced this in the world of online purchasing where i have to be a total dick to get issues resolved that should be simple & i have experienced it even in dealing with sales associates at high end retail stores.The message as always is people suck.
ReplyDeleteOh the frustration of humanoids!