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     Latest piece that is untitled for now
Yesterday was a journey into NO ELECTRICITY! I happened to wake up at 3:30 am...and not able to get back to sleep just decided it was coffee time. I don't "fight" and get frustrated anymore with sleep stuff- I just roll and pretend clocks have no power. Speaking of no power....I was midway through my coffee when this major storm blew the power out!
These things usually don't last long but I shuffled around and assembled the candles where they were useful...bathroom, kitchen, bedroom. I was feeling proud of myself for getting my coffee made before the blackout.
Made a bunch of jokes on Facebook then took a lovely candlelight bath, which I had been wanting to do as a weekly thing anyway. I was like YAY CANDLELIGHT BATH TIME!
Still no power and the day wore on. I must confess to having a secret side...this side enjoys chaos (to an extent). So disruptions of Mother Nature as long as they're harmless- I relish. I wasn't relishing my phone battery getting low though. Or no internet after awhile.
HOWEVER- did I really NEED to get online? NO. What did I NEED to do? MAKE ART.
So when the sun came up I was working on this mixed media piece.
Which I haven't decided if I like better horizontally or vertically. Tried to post on Facebook and Instagram but in true CHAOS fashion- all the sites were screwy and not working. So not only was I experiencing NO POWER but the whole world couldn't use Facebook or Instagram, etc. Just glorious. I was not alone. But all this reminded me that I NEEDED TO BE WORKING and the Universe had just cut all distractions out for me. 
I was working in tandem with the sunlight and very aware of it. It made me think of artists in the past who had to work by candlelight...the electricity. We are so pampered. Really. Jeez.
So while it was slightly frustrating (I was concerned over my cats insulin in the fridge mainly) I did just ROLL WITH IT and actually appreciated the gift of having all distractions yanked. I finished a piece! And I will remember what the Universe was trying to tell me...GET TO WORK and turn that computer off for a bit!
*My Electricity ended up coming on at 7pm - just in time for Barney Miller and hitting the hay. 😂 
*I also should invest in a small camping stove since this one's electric. Its amazing to see how much we rely on things and can't fathom how to get along without them. More emergency kit building in my future!


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