take time to smell the roses...
It might seem a little strange to passersby to see me running in the morning getting my jog on, in my zone and at a steady pace and then to just stop dead- whip out my cellphone and frame a tree in my camera lens and snap a shot. Oh I just messed up my running momentum! But that tree was calling my name, the natural arch it was creating against the sky, the lighting, the grace of the curve....or the bright pink rose bushes that line the golf course I run by...how vibrant and colorful. Snap, snap,snap! Collecting little photos, touching the tree bark, smelling the roses.
Today is Saturday and for most that means "weekend" but for me I have found it is when I really start getting in the mood to paint. In fact I often "work" during the weekends and do a little "resting" on the weekdays. Not exactly sure why except that I am starting to not care what day it is, it's another day to me. We invented the term 'work week' and 'tgif' and 'weekend' but really those words mean nothing. Days are days and you can do just as much wonderfulness, work or nothingness on any given day if you choose. Today I awoke at 5:30am with the burning desire to work and get some orders done so I could paint my own stuff. If all goes according to plan I will have a space lined up to show in mid September and will need as much work as possible. I am about to rev up the work engine and will have to push hard, expect new small affordable works soon as well as seeing a new painting I'm excited about. Much to do in my world so I better get to it. Have a wonderful day everyone!
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