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The Return of HOUR SWAP

One hour of my time for one hour of yours...

Once upon a time last year I came up with an idea to work on something for ONE HOUR and put it up for auction with the bid starting at minimum wage. In essence one hour of my time for the price of one hour of your working wage. Highest bidder would win. Of course some people make more than others an hour and so there wasn't really a ceiling or rule about only bidding one hour of your wage but that would always be the opening bidding price. Affordable art for everyone.
This let me work on quick things that pop into my mind, little experiments...and helped me hone my speed on some things. By nature I am a very slow artist and will easily clock in a whole month on a painting if left to my own devices. I've also been itching to do some sketches and pen and ink style stuff so with the mention of HOUR SWAP by about three people recently I decided why the hell not. It's been awhile and maybe people care again or at least want to collect a little bit if they can. If you have known me for some time you know this little idea of mine landed me on GOOD MORNING TEXAS where I had to create live on TV. If you check this link you'll see a whole bunch of Hour Swaps that now live in homes all across the U.S.

  I even had a live Hour Swap art show where people bid against each other in a live auction setting, coming up and scratching peoples names off art and adding their own with a higher bid. It was tense! But all in good fun. :)
The pieces that didn't get bid on (and I think there were maybe 3 to date) would get put on Etsy or given away in some kind of drawing eventually. 
So now to refresh everyone on the process, if you're interested in bidding...
I will put up a piece that took me one hour. Opening bid is minimum wage always ($7.25) in all fairness you should bid one hour of YOUR wage though. Do remember this is work for  me too. Bid higher if you really want it. 

I post the piece HERE in this blog and also on Facebook. You can bid by leaving a comment or a personal message on facebook.  By midnight the highest bidder wins. The cost of shipping these small pieces is usually $5 (includes packing materials) and the bidder is responsible for that as well.
Pretty simple! 
Today by 11pm I will have finished an HOUR SWAP and posted it here, it might be posted before 11 who knows? I don't know how many I will do or how often right now so don't think these things are just gonna keep cranking out : )
 If I get busy on a freelance job or something I will have to put it on hold again but for now....let's swap hours!
See you in the next post! Hmmm....what to create?!


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