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The Coast Is Not Clear

I know this sounds like a KEEP THE PLANET CLEAN BLOG but it's not

But you should KEEP THE PLANET CLEAN you know!

This little Island of Junk in the ocean looks a lot like my house right now. You might think artists have cool, well designed spaces with such novel interesting things in their house....well some probably do but I'm not one of those artists. My time is spent working on stuff and not necessarily arranging cool DIY creative inventions all over my house that serve as organizational tools. My house isn't something you'd see between the pages of READYMADE magazine. Add into the mix three cats and one of them that likes to PEE on things she disapproves of (mops, brooms, things that serve the purpose of cleaning) and you'll see I have my hands full (usually with  a spray bottle of bleach and paper towels). Which brings me to the point of this blog...
I would say I'm taking an internet break but that isn't entirely true. I have to maintain contact with my graphic design job as I have a deadline this week. I have to tell people their orders have been shipped (all you people expecting art from me- I'm going to the post office today or tomorrow so heads up) and I have to check on any potential opportunities but aside from that my time online will be severely limited. So I wanted to post this blog for all 7 of you who might care...YES I AM OK I AM JUST SUPER BUSY! It never fails, I post I'm taking a break and a good handful people write concerned things like "ARE YOU OK?!" "ARE YOU SICK?!" "OMG THE SKY IS FALLING!!!" 
I am absolutely wonderful and will be even more so if I can get a ton of stuff done this week. Things like clearing off my dresser of almost 100 products and medicines and ointments. WTF, it looks like Syd Barrets playground. Why do I have so many damn bottles of pills on my dresser, granted it's nicey stuff like Ibuprofen and allergy meds but jeez! And you'd think I was bitten to pieces theres so many tubes of hydrocortisone (empty!) on my dresser. Clothes in the floor, closet still in the floor (2 months now!), stuff to mail out, graphic design deadline and then ART- I've been invited to donate art to an art auction I probably should, I should probably enter that art competition people keep tapping me on the shoulder about and I promised to make small pieces for a charity, etc, etc, etc.
Checking in on Foursquare and Instagramming margaritas and cats and making up witty status updates all have to wait while I CLEAN my own private junk island and get some stuff cranked out.
It's that week where you jumpstart everything you've been meaning to do....and hopefully finish at least 40% of it.
See you on the flipside, forgive me if I smell like bleach!


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